Sports Vision Training
Vision is an essential skill necessary for athletes to compete at the highest level. Many individuals see "vision" of an athlete as just visual acuity (ie: how small letters you read on the "E" chart) Vision and skills of the visual system encompass much more than just visual acuity. We use state of the art equipment, technology, applied science, and knowledge of the visual system to help develop an athlete's skills of the visual system. Vision and skills involving the visual system can be altered and enhanced through the proper methods of training and oversight.
Our program focuses on the following areas of skill training:
Eye-Hand Coordination
Depth Perception
Eye Tracking ability
Multiple Objective Tracking
Perceptual-Cognitive abilities
Contrast Sensitivity
Field Awareness
Reaction Time
Near Far Quickness
Perception Span
Peripheral Awareness
Speed, Agility, Vertical Leap, Lateral Movement, and Quickness Performance Training
Private 1-hour and 30-minute sessions/group and team sessions available as well (Price Varies)
We will help create a physical program to accomplish your goals or simply get you in shape or keep you in shape